Who We Are
A LOTRO kinship of Landroval, formerly known as All Shall Fade on the Nimrodel server.
CASUAL: We're a group who just loves to play the game. We don't go crazy over stat-padding and items, we just want to have fun.
FRIENDLY: With well over three hundred members, we are a large, friendly bunch of players to meet and spend time with. We enjoy meeting new people, and we always like to welcome new members to our family.
HELPFUL: We help each other out all the time. Whenever members ask questions in kin chat, we try to answer. We try to help others out with quests as we can, and we work together to accomplish great things.
ORGANIZED: A solid officer core and leadership structure allows us to make decisions quickly and fairly while still maintaining our casual nature.
CRAFTING: We pool resources and work together to craft. We have crafters of every profession to supply the kinship as well as crafting stations available at our kin house.
PvMP: We have ranked players on both sides of the fence in the Ettenmoors. We work together in groups to succeed and have fun. Our experienced members are always glad to help out people new to the 'Moors. Many of our members are part of the Nimrodel Exiles tribe.
RAIDS: We have developed a strong, experienced raiding group that regularly faces the various raid challenges. We also hold scheduled and non-scheduled instance runs dozens of times each week.
EVENTS: We hold large events and invite all players to attend them. Parties, races, hunts, games, and concerts... they're great fun for all!

Raid Night
8:30 - 11:00 PM
See #raid-discussion and other related Discord channels to join our raiding misadventures. Sundays are typically level cap, but we organize raids for all levels who need it! We want everyone to be able to raid with us and succeed!
7:00 - 10:00 PM
Player vs. Monster Player in the Ettenmoors. You'll find kin playing Free People (Freeps) as well as Monsters (Creeps). Many of our members are in the monster Tribe called Nimrodel Exiles.
Instance Gratification
8:00 - 10:00 PM
This is for anyone and everyone who'd like to run some lower level content for fun and--you guessed it--gratification! This is when you can dig out your alts who need a leg up, or you need some kin to help you muscle through content. We can't promise we'll do it the smart way or even the efficient way, but we'll do our best to have fun getting it done! Let us know in the Discord channel #instance-gratification what you need gratification for!
Special Events
Since we have kin members from all over the world, we sometimes set up events at unique hours on Saturdays to accommodate them and help them advance. We also host kin parties, decorate, run festivals together, and enjoy the weekend!
8:30 - 10:30 PM
A slow level progression group using the "tortoise" pocket item from the LOTRO Store to prevent leveling. See the #slotro-monday Discord channel for details on where we're at and what quests we just completed. Feel free to ask to join in on group content if you're on-level!
Wishlist Wednesday
9:00 - 11 PM
First come, first serve -- whatever the kin wants to run! Raids, skirmishes, instances, big battles, and anything else on your wishlist or to-do list. The Sunday night raid group will work on specific bosses for progression, too!
8:30 - 10:30 PM
A (second!) slow level progression group using the "tortoise" pocket item from the LOTRO Store to prevent leveling. See the #slotro-friday Discord channel for details on where we're at and what quests we just completed. Feel free to ask to join in on group content if you're on-level!
While we have specific times for the kin events listed here, we are happy to group up and do anything in the game at any time--you need only ask in the kin chat!
What We Do
This is the Away Shall Fade kin event calendar which usually stays the same but will sometimes change depending on the needs and wants of the kin, as well as the current endgame content in LOTRO. All times are listed in US Eastern (LOTRO server) time.

How To Join
When you're in-game, type:
/who Away Shall Fade
then ask for an officer to invite you! It's that easy!
We can't wait for you to join us!